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Začiatok stránky, titulka:

Dissemination activities for the Council of Europe

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Pokračovanie obsahu:

Dissemination activities for the Council of Europe

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This action is carried out with financing from the Council of Europe.

Name of the project:

Dissemination activities for the Council of Europe
"Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture“

Donor name: Council of Europe
Financial allocation: 9980 Eur
Project background: Output of round tables will be a report with options / recommendations for implementation of RFCDC in the context of education and training in the Slovak Republic.
Objective, objectives of the project:

The overall objective of the project is to promote education and training on human rights and democratic citizenship (hereinafter referred to as EDC / HRE) in the context of the educational policy of the Slovak Republic through the implementation of the Council of Europe instrument - the Competence Framework for Democratic Culture.

The discussion of the two round tables will be the Reference Framework for Competitiveness for Democratic Culture (RFCDC), with the discussion going on two levels. We consider the implementation of two round tables to be important due to the implementation of RFCDC in all areas of education and training and at all levels. The proposed activity provides scope for addressing and solving current challenges in the field of education and training to human rights and democratic citizenship, reinforcing the importance of such education in response to current challenges, providing opportunities to improve EDC / HRE cooperation between institutions as well as towards schools.

Project activities:

1. Round Table with international participation at national level:

- Support the implementation of RFCDC at national level

- Identify possibilities of implementation of RFCDC in the context of the Slovak Republic

Information and programme – Round table 25 September 2018

2. Round Table with international participation at regional level:

- Encourage implementation of RFCDC at school level

- Sharing examples of good school practice in EDC / HRE

- Identify the implementation possibilities of RFCDC at school level

Information and programme – Round table 23 October 2018

Expected results:

1. Conclusions / recommendations for implementation of RFCDC at national and regional level

2. Creating a network of representatives of the Ministry of Education and its directly managed organizations, representatives of international educational organizations and representatives of different types of schools, experts for RFCDC