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Začiatok stránky, titulka:

The stages of the project

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Pokračovanie obsahu:

The stages of the project

First Activity

International workshop

Organising the workshop with the focus on the development of the education programme for pedagogical staff members of primary schools with pupils from Roma communities


Second Activity

Innovative education for teachers

Its main objective is to train the teaching staff of selected primary schools with pupils from Roma communities, so they can use: a) the Romani language as a supporting language in the educational process, b) teaching methods to promote intercultural and inclusive education, c) textbooks (published within this project).

Innovative education creates good preconditions for intercultural and inclusive education. Innovative education helps to: 1) bridge communication gaps between Roma and non-Roma pupils, 2) bridge communication gaps between Roma pupils and teaching staff (teachers, educators and teaching assistants), 3) foster competences of teaching staff members to enable them to work effectively with Roma pupils in schools, 4) make information about the Romani language, culture and history of Roma available to teachers to increase interethnic tolerance, 5) create a favorable school climate, 6) prevent discrimination and segregation of Roma pupils in schools.


Third Activity

Textbook publishing

The main objective is to launch textbooks that support the teaching of the Romani language and literature and Romani culture in primary and secondary schools. These textbooks will also promote intercultural and inclusive education in schools.

The list of publications: Fairy tales in the Slovak and Romani language, Romani - Slovak reader, Romani - Slovak reader including workbook, Amari Romaňi Chib/Our Romani including workbook, History reader (Searching for the Roma past), Romani-Slovak/Slovak-Romani dictionary, Methodology supporting inclusive education in schools, International Conference Proceedings in Slovak and English, Roma culture, Social work with pupils from marginalized Roma communities in education


Fourth Activity

Study visit organized in cooperation with Nansen Fredssenter / Nansen Centre for Peace and Dialogue in Lillehammer

Its aim is to foster acquired competences of the graduates in the field of multiculturalism and intercultural education of pupils from Roma communities.


Fifth Activity

The international scientific conference

The conference aims at exchanging experience in educating Roma and non-Roma pupils in schools. At the conference, the graduates of the innovative education programme for teachers will also present examples of good practice.